The Importance of Nurture in Early Adulthood

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Schulenberg, J. E., Sameroff, A. J., and Cicchetti, D. (2004) focuses on the challenge, and yet societal ignorance, related to the transition for adolescents entering into early adulthood. An unfortunate reality exists that although science proves this phase is extremely significant and greatly impacts developmental realities, society as a whole fails to provide the necessary support and standardized assistance when teenagers reach this stage of transitioning into adulthood. Special attention is turned to the reality of facing discontinuity as one approaches early adulthood; society has continued to witness the impact that this lack of fluidity in support may have on maturation. There has been an influx in noticeable impact that has assisted in bringing forward the current requirement for an age group in vital need of leadership (Schulenberg, J. E., et al., 2004).

Early adulthood is a meaningful phase of continuation of self-awareness; with this comes the opportunity for continued self-deprecation and analytical possibilities. Entering into the real world of adulthood, one faces many changes. Usually, mentors and family members attempt to prepare teenagers for what is to come. Many graduate from college looking for jobs to use their degree in; others are just deciding to begin college, while still others continue to wonder which path will call their name. The ability of and success or failure involved in getting hired for a job may all play a significant part in one’s self-esteem and overall perception of what the future looks like in the adulthood phase. The following video focuses intentionally on body image and how significant each individual’s viewpoint on their own body projects onto their unique personality, self-esteem, and daily choices (Jubilee Project, [Video file], November 2014).

In what ways does our society properly set up teenagers to be prepared for the expectations and responsibilities of early adulthood? Where do we lack in transitioning and how can we efficiently bridge this gap?

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